EYFS at Wimborne Primary School
“No job is more important than working with children in the early years” (Development Matters 2021).
At Wimborne, we whole heartedly agree with this, and we strive to ensure that all children get the best possible start in their primary education and thought their time at our wonderful school.
The main aims of our EYFS curriculum are:
- To work in partnership with parents to encourage independent, happy learners who thrive in school and reach their full potential from their various starting points.
- To promote communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development as golden threads, which are woven through our everyday curriculum.
- To understand and follow children’s interests and fascinations; providing opportunities throughout our EYFS curriculum to support learning, consolidate and deepen knowledge and ensure children meet their next steps.
- To treat every interaction as a positive opportunity to create a connection and foster a love of learning.
- To create an indoor and outdoor environment, based on our children’s needs, which promote rich vocabulary, curiosity, independence and challenge.
- To enable children to achieve the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage and ensure children make good progress from their starting points.
- To teach an engaging, sequential curriculum, which prepares children with the knowledge and skills they will need for their learning in KS1 and KS2.
- To enable children to achieve our curriculum goals (below).
- To support an effective transition into Year 1.
By the time the children finish Year R, we want them to keen, enthusiastic learners who will have a go, be part of a team and try their best. The EYFS is truly the foundation to a life-long love of learning and we enable our children to begin this journey in the best way possible.